The Early Pregnancy project was inspired by a true story...
Mary Rubarenzya, the vision bearer and the mother to the founder of MAGRA, shared the experience which made them take heart in rescuing lives. Mary got married at 17 and produced six children before the husband died leaving her pregnant with the seventh child. Life changed as she had to raise her children and provide them with quality education which resorted to her selling off all her property. When she was about to give birth to the fourth boy, on her way to the hospital, she failed to get means of transport and decided to walk to the hospital that was 6 miles and which almost costed her, her life. Life was so hard but through help received, the founder of this organisation managed to complete college thus attaining the highest level of education in the family. Through this experience, Mary's vision was to help young girls who get pregnant as early as 14 years and go through the same situation. However, many childen are being killed by their own mothers after birth if they happen to have survived abortion.