Jesus is the way project is the engine of the organisation where Good News must be proclaimed to everyone in every place at anytime. This begins with the children whom are our first priority at MAGRA as they must possess and know how to read the Bible, daily teaching of the word and self motivation to read the word of God on their own. However, this doesn't mean that it is benefial for only the children but the adults as well. Through evangelism, we are able to reach out to atleast 20 - 30 people a day who are non members of the organisation by providing them with gospel books and Bibles if they are available. We also reach thousands through a 2 hour weekly session on radio stations but however, it has become costly. It costs $100 for one to be on air for an hour.
"I am the way the truth and life" --- John 14:6
We have adopted this after understanding how many people are perishing because they don't know the truth.
It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where christ is not known --- Romans 15:20
It is therefore our goal to reach out to everyone preaching the good news to those who have not heard. We have done this through churches, holding outreaches in the remote areas of South western Uganda. Through this project, we give out Bibles to the new believers acquired through donations. Through evangelism, we can achieve in adding more people to the Kingdom of God.
"The harvest is plentiful but the harvesters are few" --- Luke 10:2
The most glorious reason that you exist is for the proclaimation of the glory of God to the ends of the earth --- David Plah