Magra Junior School was established in 2013 with only 4 children in Kicumbi parish in the subcounty of Kamuganguzi before it shifted to Kasheregyenyi. From then we had been educating children from humble families before we realised that there was a quite number of children around yawning to acquire the same chance but were unable. It was therefore adopted to help the vulnerable children to have education.
A bigger number of vulnerable children turned up in search for education and therefore due to shortage of funds, it was necessary to start the organisation as a platform to extend love and provide a chance of a better life to these vulnerable children. It is mandatory for every nation and every society to nurture a strong, healthy and intellectual childhood. The children have boundless store of energy, will, capability, zeal and enthusiasm, and have the power to mould the destiny of the nation. Right kind of education is the first step towards the upliftment of children. The education provided should be progressive, in keeping with the needs of the society and should not only create great professionals, but also great human beings. Academics should be taken care of along with adequate emphasis on sports, technical areas and other fields as per the interest of the students. Just as it is our responsibility to care for the environment for generations to come, we must also take responsibility for those children who were born into a world without the care and support what every child deserves. God has given us two hands, so we must use both of them to help these children. And let’s use our mouths too to advocate for their rights. Let us give them a better future and in turn give the world a better future.
"I am amazed to look at these little angels looking smart owning pair of shoes and clothes. I myself wore shoes when I was in primary seven which I received as a gift for good performance" --- The teacher said
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the services of others --- Mahatma Gandhi