Under the different MAGRA projects, our volunteering programs allows both short and long term volunteering where by short term lasts 10 - 15 days where as long term can last for months or even years according to volunteer's willingness. You can either volunteer as an individual or a team. You can volunteer in the below Magra projects
Volunteering with Magra orphanage school will be more enjoyable for anyone who loves children. There will be ample time to interact with children freely through class lessons, co-curricular activites like sports guided tours, home visits and many other reactional activities. There will be visiting other schools in the way of extending the love of Jesus christ to the young childen. You can offer to come to train and provide care for our children or as a construction team to help in the construction of school infrastructure ranging from classroom blocks, medical centres, children homes and water supply systems for the orphanage.
With The Toy Gardening project, everyone who enjoys or feels he/she wants to improve the welfare and nutrition among abandoned families is welcome to volunteer. This will be done through provididng improved seeds and garden tools. This will ensure families to get extra source of income than depending on the organisation funds. There will be no specific qualifications needed to volunteer with The Toy Gardening Project however your culture flexibility is the best needed to help you fit in Uganda's cultures.
The deepest poverty a child can know is not physical but spiritual. Every child served under this ministry is given the opportunity to learn about Jesus and begins a lifetime relationship with God. A mission team would also volunteer to evangelize and educate our kids and the community at large about God and other life values. We carry out reaches to different schools and communities in the way of extending the good news and the love of Jesus to many.
We advocate for improved and accessible health care services for all but most importantly the rural women and teenage parents. We need to paticipate in areas like HIV/AIDS awareness that is prevention, treatment and care, sexual and reproductive health care such as access to contraceptions, family planning services, counselling menstual health and hygiene and safe motherhood education. However, we are most active about teenage pregnancy which has become rampant in Uganda. We therefore under this project call upon volunteers to rise up. In particular, volunteers will take action in our teenage pregnance care unit and health centres by providing antenatal and postnatal care through providing required materials like mama kit, nutritious foods, hospital and transportation bills among others. After birth, a child is cared for up to 3 years and a mother can continue with studies or is equipped with vocational skills according to her interest.
This is for street children abandoned and neglected orphans without care. In Uganda, as many cases of vulnerable children who have ended up on streets or on gabbage places and gardens because they are abandoned by their families. The ministry takes full responsibility of these children by providing medical care, food, education, clothing and shelter.
Sign up today by filling our volunteering form below and be part of a life changing team.